>> महाभोज का कथ्य या प्रतिपाद्य / महाभोज अपराध के राजनीतिकरण एवं राजनीति के अपराधीकरण की कथा है| / महाभोज में दलित उत्पीड़न को विषय बनाकर रचनाकर ने एक ओर जहाँ दलितों की त्रासदी को निरूपित किया है वहीं दूसरी ओर आज की मुखौटाधर्मी राजनीति को बेनक़ाब भी किया है।/ महाभोज का मूल्यांकन
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General Studies Current Affairs: Events of national and international importance | Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc | General issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change (subject specialization not required) | General Science | History of India and Indian National Movement | Indian and World Geography – Physical, Social, Economic geography of India and the World | Indian Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc | Miscellaneous |
Hindi Literature नागार्जुन | प्रेमचंद | साक्षात्कार | सूरदास | विविध | आषाढ़ का एक दिन | कबीर |
Hindi Literature Gadhya bhag Bharatendu | Agyeya | Dr. Satyendra | Jai Shankar Parsad | Mannu Bhandari | Mohan Rakesh | Phaniswar Nath Renu | Premchand | Rajendra Yadav- Ek Dunia Samanantar | Ramchandra Shukla | vividh | Yashpal |
Hindi Literature Padya bhag Agyeya | Bihari | Dinkar | Jai Shankar Prasad | Jayasi | Kabir | Maithli Sharan Gupta | Mukhtiboth | Nagarjun | Nirala - Saroj Smriti | Nirala- Kukurmutta | Nirala-Ram ki Shakti pooja | Soordas | Tulsidas |
History of Hindi Language and Nagari Lipi Development of Braj and Awadhi as Literary language during medieval period. | Development of Hindi as a National Language during freedom movement. | Development of Khari-boli and Nagari Lipi during 19th Century. | Early form of Khari-boli in siddha- Nath Sahitya, Khusero, Sant Sahitaya, Rahim etc. and Dakhni Hindi | Grammatical and applied forms of Apbhransh, Awahatta & Arambhik Hindi. | Grammatical structure of Standard Hindi. | Prominent dialects of Hindi and their Inter relationship. | Salient features of Nagari Lipi and the efforts for its reform & Standard form of Hindi. | Scientific & Technical Development of Hindi Language. | Standardisation of Hindi Bhasha & Nagari Lipi. | The Development of Hindi as a National Language of Union of India. |
History of Hindi Literature Criticism | Drama & Theatre | Katha Sahitya | Literary trends of the Adikal, Bhakhtikal, Ritikal and Adhunik kal | The other form of Hindi prose | The relevance and importance of Hindi literature and tradition of writing History of Hindi literature. |
Indian Ancient History General Introduction (सामान्य जानकारी) | Gupta age | Mauryan age | Post-gupta age | Post-mauryan age | Postvedic | Pre Historic Age/Stone Age | Proto Historic phase/Age | Proto Historic phase/Age | Vedic Age |
Modern Indian History भारत में यूरोपियों का प्रवेश और अंग्रेजों की विजय | राष्ट्रवादी आन्दोलन (1885 - 1947) | Freedom Struggle |
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